The Solstice Shift in Soap Making

The days leading up to Christmas mean lots of marketing and income generation for some businesses, but Soap of the Earth doesn't really play into the commercialization of what is meant to be a 'holy' time. I do wish everyone a holly, jolly Christmas, but the timing is off for me to make that extra push for more sales. Putting in longer hours making soap, marketing, packing and shipping as the days get progressively shorter and shorter is counterintuitive and could undermine the health and well-being of my self and my family. The decrease in daylight makes me tired! So, I take it slow and let sales go. This is the real reason why we run low on stock and sell out of soap varieties at this time of year!
Just a reminder, Winter Solstice lands on December 21st as our Earth rotates around its sun, and offers up the shortest daylight hours of the year. Our sunlight has been gradually decreasing since June 21st! As we move closer to Winter Solstice Day, life, here on the farm, dwindles down. Isn't that how it's supposed to be? Our ancestors and civilizations all along knew enough to set this time aside for rest and look ahead to the rejuvenation.
It took me a long time living on a farm to fully recognize this wonderful gift we have from the universe. I was always struggling with burnout and striving to be picture perfect. I could have believed I was depressed or got old all of a sudden, but no..... I'm running with the rhythm of the planet and that's how I run my business, too!
Now, let me explain what happens to me on Winter Solstice Day! I've been noticing a genuine shift for years and was quiet about who I expressed this to because some people don't realize it so they might not take me seriously. I go into the holiday season grumpy and tired. I don't want to decorate the tree, clean the house, make the cookies or wrap any presents. I'm literally a grinch. Many times, December 21st came and went and I didn't know it was a solstice! But, I noticed my energy shift, just in time for the actual holiday. As of Solstice day, we add light to our lives and I, for sure, experience the growth, creativity, and renewed energy. I hope that by expressing this you, too, will start to test this rhythm and learn to love it like I do. The best soap making season is heading my way so get ready for a refill on all your favorites and burgeoning ideas for new products!
Happy Holidays and Blessed New Year!