About Us
Our Purpose
Making soap is our family’s contribution to a greener environment. It is how we show our love for the land and water, the plants and trees, the livestock and wildlife, and most of all, the humans who share our beautiful planet.
Welcome to
Soap of the Earth
We make soap on our farm using whole, natural, fresh, and organic ingredients. Holding a freshly-made olive oil and goat milk soap filled with roots, herbs, salts, clays and minerals is an experience we want you to have every day. We offer Soap of the Earth as a little piece of our farm for your health and home!

our goats
Meet Our Business Partners
We added a herd of Nubian goats to our farm in 2014. Since then we've grown into a comfortable routine of feeding, breeding, cleaning up after, birthing, grooming, hanging out, and yes . . . hand milking them! They are family and our days are centered around caring for each other.
As dairy goats, they found their purpose in making soap. They supply us with enough milk for our products and continuously enrich our household with their presence.
We Pride Ourselves on...
Family-Owned & Operated
All Natural Ingredients
70% Olive Oil
Zero Waste
Clean Ingredients
Regenerative Farming
Outstanding Customer Service
Palm Oil Free
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About the Farm
Our forty acre family farm is located near Whitewater, WI. It is operated by soap-maker, Lori Hoyt, and her teenage son. We keep a closed herd of purebred Nubian goats for soap milk and rotationally graze heritage breed British White Park beef cattle. Staying true to the small farm ideal, we also have a herd of Katahdin sheep and a quickly growing rabbitry. Add chickens and ducks and it sounds complicated but all are happy and comfortable with their role on the farm

Our Nubian Goat Herd
Goat herding makes clean sense for our farm. They have higher capacity than other ruminants to convert feed sources into milk and meat. This means they eat a lot less than a cow and produce less methane, making them easier on the environment.

Our White British Park Cattle Herd
Beef cattle were a new addition to our farm in 2023! We use regenerative farming practices so the cattle keep our fields grazed and fertilized. At the same time, they are benefitting the Rock River watershed because chemical fertilizers and herbicides are not used.

from our founder
What Soap Means to Me
Apart from our own skin, soap is a primary safeguard against illness. Physical health starts with washing hands and good hygiene.
Beyond the practical, I've learned that soap can hold ingredients we NEED to connect with nature and better care for our own well-beings. Essential oils, clays, minerals, herbs, and roots do trigger physical and emotional healing when they are needed. Soap offers the perfect, slow-release vehicle for this delivery. I believe good soap and a hot bath can cure many of life's ailments.